Special course for 3rd-6th year students

Software and Programming Language Theory

V. A. Vasenin, M. A. Krivchikov

Course topics include:

In 2024: Monday, 10:45-12:20, 13-16

27.04.2024: online at https://telemost.yandex.ru/j/79840643072091

Lecture recordings: https://vk.com/msumathprogx05

03.03.2023 Introduction. History of programming languages. presentation - html

10.03.2023 Classification of programming languages. presentation - html

17.03.2023 Specification of programming language. Syntax. presentation - html

30.03.2022, 06.04.2022 Formal syntax analysis. Syntax extensions. presentation - html

06.04.2022 Static semantics. Naming, Bindings and Scope. presentation - html

13.04.2022 Typing. presentation - html

20.04.2022 Operational semantics presentation - html

27.04.2022 Mechanized semantics (Operational semantics implementation) presentation - html

04.05.2022 Denotational semantics presentation - html

14.05.2021 Denotational semantics implementation: Monads, Fixed points presentation - html

21.05.2021 Axiomatic semantics presentation - html

13.05.2019 Domain-specific languages. Intermediate representations presentation - html

20.05.2019 Exam (program)