Software and Programming Language Theory

Axiomatic Semantics

Axiomatic semantics literature

  1. Chapter 6 of Winskel G. The Formal Semantics of Programming Languages. Cambridge, Massachusetts, US: MIT Press, 1993. xx+361 p.
  2. Part IV of Шилов Н.В. Основы синтаксиса, семантики, трансляции и верификации программ: учебное пособие. Новосибирск: НГУ, 2011. 292 p.
  3. Статьи по предикатному программированию (В.И. Шелехов)


  1. Floyd R.W. Assigning Meanings to Programs // Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science / ed. Schwartz J.T. American Mathematical Society, 1967. Vol. 19. P. 19–32.
  2. Hoare C.A.R. An axiomatic basis for computer programming // Communications of the ACM. 1969. Vol. 12, № 10. P. 576–580.
  3. Dijkstra E.W. Guarded commands, nondeterminacy and formal derivation of programs // Communications of the ACM. 1975. Vol. 18, № 8. P. 453–457.

Further reading

  1. Ynot ( — Imperative programming with Hoare logic in Coq.
  2. Chen H. et al. Using Crash Hoare logic for certifying the FSCQ file system. ACM Press, 2015. P. 18–37.
  3. Lecture 1, Lecture 2.

Axiomatic semantics

Axiomatic semantics describes semantics of programming language in terms of predicate transformation.

In contrast with operational and denotational semantics, axiomatic semantics is concerned with proving correctness of specific programs.

Operational and denotational semantics are mostly concerned with properties of programming language as a whole.

Axiomatic semantics consists of:

  • language of assertions about program state (usually first-order logic, possibly other formal inference system)
  • rules of derivation

Hoare triples

{A} c {B}

  • A — precondition (assertion)
  • c — statement of the programming language
  • B — postcondition (assertion)

Informal semantics: if A holds immediately before c is executed, then B must hold immediately after c is executed.

Axiomatic semantics correctness

Correctness of axiomatic semantics is usually defined in terms of programming language operational semantics.

The connection between axiomatic and operational semantics is defined in following way:

  • Assertion validity judgement ⊨ — relation between operational semantics configurations and assertions ( σ ⊨ A means "assertion A holds in configuration σ" )
  • Hoare triple semantics (partial): ⊨ { A } c { B } is defined as:
    • For all σ ∈ Σ, for all σ' ∈ Σ, if σ ⊨ A and σ (c)⇒ σ', then σ' ⊨ B
  • Hoare triple semantics (total): ⊨ [ A ] c [ B ] is defined as:
    • partial semantics ⊨ { A } c { B }
    • existence of σ'

Example: Imp'

Simple imperative language with arithmetical and boolean expressions, assignment, conditional operator and loop.

Abstract syntax (omitting the operator precedence and lexical structure):

Program = Statement "return" VariableName

Statement = VariableName "=" ArithmeticalExpression
| "skip"
| Statement (";" | "\n") Statement
| "if" "(" BooleanExpression ")" "{ " Statement " } else { " Statement " }"
| "while "(" BooleanExpression ")" "{ " Statement  "}"

ArithmeticalExpression = VariableName
| IntegerNumber
| "sqrt" ArithmeticalExpression
| "-" ArithmeticalExpression
| ArithmeticalExpression ("+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%") ArithmeticalExpression

BooleanExpression = ArithmeticalExpression ("<" | ">" | "==") ArithmeticalExpression
| "!" BooleanExpression
| BooleanExpression ("&&" | "||" | "^^")

Assertion language

First order logic over Imp' boolean expressions:

A = true | false | BooleanExpression | A₁ ∧ A₂ | A₁ ∨ A₂ | A₁ ⇒ A₂ | ∀x.A | ∃x.A | ¬A | e₁ = e₂

Quantification is over variables (x).

Assertion validity

Definition of relation σ ⊨ A:

  • σ ⊨ true
  • σ ⊨ A₁ and σ ⊨ A₂ ⇔ σ ⊨ A₁ ∧ A₂
  • σ ⊨ A₁ ⇒ σ ⊨ A₁ ∨ A₂
  • σ ⊨ A₂ ⇒ σ ⊨ A₁ ∨ A₂
  • σ ⊨ A₁ implies σ ⊨ A₂ ⇔ σ ⊨ A₁ ⇒ A₂
  • ∀ n ∈ ℤ σ[x ≔ n] ⊨ A ⇔ σ ⊨ ∀x.A
  • ∃ n ∈ ℤ σ[x ≔ n] ⊨ A ⇔ σ ⊨ ∃ x.A

Assertion derivation

To check σ ⊨ A we need to evaluate program in terms of operational semantics (dynamic verification).

To use axiomatic semantics for static verification we need to define formal inference system for Hoare triple derivation.

Derivation judgement ⊢ A on assertions is defined as usual for first-order logic.

Axiomatic semantics is defined as derivation judgement of Hoare triples.

We assume the following rule of consequence ("transitivity" of derivations):

If ⊢ A' ⇒ A, ⊢ B ⇒ B', ⊢ {A} c {B} then ⊢ {A'} c {B'}

Imp' axiomatic semantics

  1. Skip statement: ⊢ {A} skip {A}
  2. Assignment: ⊢ {A[x:=e]} x = e {A}
  3. Sequence: If ⊢ {A} c₁ {B}, ⊢ {B} c₂ {C} then ⊢ {A} c₁ ; c₂ {C}
  4. Conditional operator: If ⊢ { A ∧ b } c₁ {B}, ⊢ { A ∧ ¬b } c₂ {B} then ⊢ {A} if (b) { c₁ } else { c₂ } {B}
  5. Loop: If ⊢ { A ∧ b } c {A} then ⊢ {A} while (b) { c } {A ∧ ¬b}

Derivable rules:

  • "forward" axiom for assignment: ⊢ {A} x = e { ∃ x₀. A[ x := x₀] ∧ x = e[x := x₀] }
  • loop invariant: If ⊢ A ∧ b ⊢ C, ⊢ {C} c {A}, ⊢ A ∧ ¬ b ⇒ B then ⊢ {A} while (b) { c } { B }


  • aliasing: situation in which single data location in memory can be accessed through different names (aliases) in program.

Example (C): int i, *j = &i, *k = &i;

In axiomatic semantics the following holds: { true } *j = 5 {*i + *j = 10}


Soundness for axiomatic semantics (derivable properties are observable):

⊢ {A} c {B} ⇒ ⊨ {A} c {B}

This statement contains three inductively-defined objects:

  1. c — program statement
  2. ⊨ {A} c {B} — operational semantics derivation (sequence of rule applications)
  3. ⊢ {A} c {B} — axiomatic derivation

Obvious proofs by induction on the structure of each of these objects won't work.

Corner cases are while loops and rule of consequence.

Simultaneous induction

⊢ {A} c {B} ⇒ ⊨ {A} c {B}

Let "<" denote the substructure relation on inductive types (x < y ⇒ x is substructure of y). Elements of an inductive type with substructure relation form partial order.

Let "⊂" denote the lexicographic ordering on tuples of (different) inductive type elements:

(o, a) ⊂ (o', a') ≡ o < o' or (o = o' and a < a')

"⊂" is a well-founded order and we may use it to prove statements by induction with hypothesis "valid for all tuples t ⊂ X" (X is induction step variable).

We can prove soundness for axiomatic semantics by simultaneous induction on the tuple (operational semantics derivation, axiomatic derivation).


Axiomatic semantics is complete relative to operational semantics if:

⊨ {A} c {B} ⇒ ⊢ {A} c {B}

Weakest preconditions


To verify that {A} c {B}:

  1. Find all pre-conditions A': ⊨ {A'} c {B} (Pre(c, B))
  2. For one A' ∈ Pre(c, B) prove that ⊢ A ⇒ A'

We can define partial order over assertions by means of implication:

A ⊑ A' ⇔ A' ⇒ A

If Pre(c, B) has least upper bound under this order, we call it weakest precondition:

WP(c, B) = lub Pre(c, B)

⊢ A ⇒ WP(c, B)

Special case: while loop, we need to use fixed point theorem (denotational semantics)

Relative Completeness: Expressiveness

We can define weakest precondition in terms of configurations: wp(c, B) = { σ | σ (c)⇒σ' | σ' ⊨ B }.

Then we can say that assertion language is expressive if for any command and any postcondition there is a precondition which is valid exactly on weakest precondition in terms of configurations.

Verification Conditions

Weakest common preconditions are hard to compute (e.g. while loop).

To make tools for automatic property checking, we can use user input (e.g. loop invariants) to compute "weak enough" preconditions: verification conditions.

Application of axiomatic semantics

  1. Automated verification tools (especially annotation-based).
2. Code contracts

CodeContracts examples

private static void Main(string[] args)
    DoRequiresForAll(new List<string>() {"test",null,"foo"});

public static void DoRequiresForAll(List<string> input)
    Contract.Requires(Contract.ForAll(input, w => w != null));
public static string TrimAfter(string value, string suffix)
    Contract.Requires(value != null);
    Contract.Ensures( !Contract.Result<string>().EndsWith(suffix));

Homework assignments

Task 11.1 (2*) Write axiomatic semantics for a hypothetical functional programming language based on simply-typed lambda calculus with data types, conditional operator and predefined functions over data types.

Task 11.2 (2*) Write axiomatic semantics for assignment operator in Imp' extended with aliasing operation.