Software and Programming Language Theory
Mechanized semantics
CompCert verified C compiler
Mechanized Semantics for the Clight Subset of the C Language
Big-step operational semantics for a subset of the C programming language. Implemented in Coq for CompCert certifying C compiler.
- Official site:
- Source code repository: (non-free software, see license:
- Complete commented (literate) Coq source code:
- Full source code for the article:
- Jourdan J.-H., Leroy X., Pottier F. Validating LR(1) Parsers // Proceedings of the 21st European Symposium on Programming. 2012. Vol. 7211. P. 397–416.
- Blazy R., Dargaye Z., Leroy X. Formal Verification of a C Compiler Front-End // FM 2006: Formal Methods. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006. P. 460–475.
- Leroy X. Formal Verification of a Realistic Compiler // Communications of the ACM. 2009. Vol. 52, № 7. P. 107–115.
- Boldo S. et al. Verified Compilation of Floating-Point Computations // Journal of Automated Reasoning. 2015. Vol. 54, № 2. P. 135–163.
- Blazy S., Leroy X. Mechanized Semantics for the Clight Subset of the C Language // Journal of Automated Reasoning. 2009. Vol. 43, № 3. P. 263–288.
- Leroy X. Formal Certification of a Compiler Back-end or: Programming a Compiler with a Proof Assistant // Conference Record of the 33rd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2006. P. 42–54.
- Leroy X., Blazy S. Formal Verification of a C-like Memory Model and Its Uses for Verifying Program Transformations // J Autom Reasoning. 2008. Vol. 41, № 1. P. 1–31.
Clight language
— intermediate representation of C programs (source code in C is desugared into Clight).
- no concrete syntax (but for the sake of readability we sometimes will use C-like syntax)
- no string literals (replaced with pointers to static data section)
- all expressions are pure: assignment is a statement, increment/decrement operators are disabled etc. (behavior of some constructions, unspecified by the specification, is specified at the C → Clight translation stage, e.g. order of evaluation of function arguments)
- all expressions are annotated with types
- temporary variables are introduced
- function call is a statement with result assigned to temporary variable
anddo ... while
loops are desugared into a single constructionloop <first> <next>
Clight abstract syntax
Inductive expr : Type :=
(* integer literal, e.g. `1234` \*)
| Econst_int : int → type → expr
(* binary operation, e.g. `a+b` \*)
| Ebinop : binary_operation → expr → expr → type → expr
(* type cast, e.g. `(float)x` \*)
| Ecast : expr → type → expr
| …
Clight abstract syntax
Inductive statement : Type :=
(* do nothing \*)
| Sskip : statement
(* assignment `lvalue = rvalue`, lvalue may contain e.g. pointer arithmetics \*)
| Sassign : expr → expr → statement
(* desugared loop \*)
| Sloop : statement → statement → statement
| Sbreak : statement
| Scontinue : statement
| …
Clight loop desugaring
Definition Swhile (e: expr) (s: statement) :=
Sloop (Ssequence (Sifthenelse e Sskip Sbreak) s) Sskip.
Definition Sdowhile (s: statement) (e: expr) :=
Sloop s (Sifthenelse e Sskip Sbreak).
Definition Sfor (s1: statement) (e2: expr) (s3: statement) (s4: statement) :=
Ssequence s1 (Sloop (Ssequence (Sifthenelse e2 Sskip Sbreak) s3) s4).
Clight static semantics
Global environment
G maps names of functions and global variables to memory block references, and function pointers to their definitions.
Local and temporary environments
The local environment E maps local variables to memory block references with types. The temporary environemnt maps local temporaries to values.
Clight operational semantics overview
Big-step operational semantcs. 10 evaluation relations are defined:
- G, E ⊦ a, M ⇐ L — evaluation of expressions in l-value position, i.e. targets of assignment
L is a location — pair of block identifier b and offset δ inside the block.
- G, E ⊦ a, M ⇒ v — evaluation of expressions in r-value position
v is a value.
- G, E ⊦ [a], M ⇒ [v] — evaluation of lists of expression, e.g. function call arguments
- G, E ⊦ s, M ⇒ out, M’ — evaluation of statements, terminating case, M and M’ are memory states
- G, E ⊦ sw, M ⇒ out, M’ — execution of the
cases - G ⊦ Fd([v]), M ⇒ v, M’ — evaluation of function invocation, terminating case
- G, E ⊦ s, M ⇒ ∞ — evaluation of statements, diverging case
8, 9. — diverging evaluation of switch
cases and function invocation
- P ⇒ B — execution of the whole program
Indexed inductive types
Simple inductive types — represented by a set of constructors, all values have same type (see expressions and statements above). Indexed inductive types — represented by a set of constructors and some index type. Each instance of indexed inductive type is a separate type. Example (from previous semester):
Even : ℕ → Type :=
| even_zero : Even 0
| even_plus_2 : forall (k : ℕ), Even(k) → Even(k+2)
Even 0, Even 2 and Even 4 are of different types (but Even 2 and Even 4 are constructed by call of the same constructor even_plus_2).
Evaluation relations in dependently-typed specification language
Evaluation relations are defined as an indexed inductive type. It is common way of definition for possibly-undecidable relations.
Inductive eval_expr (G : global) (L : local) : expr → val → Type (* expr ⇒ val *)
Two indices:
- expr — left hand side of relation
- val — right hand side of relation
Individual judgements are represented as the constructors for the indexed inductive type. Axiom:
| eval_Econst_int : forall (i : int, ty : Ctype), eval_expr (Econst_int i ty) (Vint i)
Same judgement in different notation:
G, E ⊦ Econst_int i ty ⇒ Vint i [eval_Econst_int]
Evaluation relations
Premises (antecedents) are represented as a constructor arguments:
| eval_Ebinop : forall op a1 a2 ty v1 v2 v,
eval_expr a1 v1 →
eval_expr a2 v2 →
sem_binary_op G op v1 (typeof a1) v2 (typeof a2) m = Some v →
eval_expr (Ebinop op a1 a2 ty) v
Different notation:
a₁ ⇒ v₁; a₂ ⇒ v₂; v₁ op v₂ ⇒binop v |
[ty] a₁ op a₂ ⇒ v |
(binop) is a decidable relation, hence we may represent it as a function.
Expression evaluation and static semantics
We have environments G and E as a parameters, so we can use them in premises of definition. expr
— relation left hand side; block, int
— right hand side (memory block and offset)
Inductive eval_lvalue (E : local) (G : global): expr → block → int → Prop :=
| eval_Evar_local : forall id l ty,
E ! id = Some(l, ty) →
eval_lvalue (Evar id ty) l
| eval_Evar_global : forall id l ty,
E ! id = None →
Genv.find_symbol G id = Some l →
eval_lvalue (Evar id ty) l
| …
Note that both eval_Evar_local
and eval_Evar_global
have the same left hand side but different premises.
Statement evaluation
How can we represent the evaluation of sequence of imperative language statements in pure functional programming language?
Continuation is a representation of execution state of a program (for example, the call stack) at a certain point of time. Continuation may be understood as dynamic goto
instruction. By using continuations we may jump between different places of a program preserving the context of each.
Continuations in practice
asynchronous execution keywords. 
Callback hell
Missing counter-example of asynchronous computations in language without continuations
function copyFile(onSuccess, onFailure) {
var fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile('file1.txt', { encoding: 'utf-8' }, function (error, data1) {
if (error) {
} else {
fs.writeFile('file2.txt', data, { encoding: 'utf-8' }, function (error) {
if (error) {
} else {
Continuations in Clight semantics
Inductive cont: Type :=
| Kstop: cont
(* Kseq s2 k = after s1 in s1;s2 *)
| Kseq: statement -> cont -> cont
(* Kloop1 s1 s2 k = after s1 in Sloop s1 s2 *)
| Kloop1: statement -> statement -> cont -> cont
(* Kloop2 s1 s2 k = after s2 in Sloop s1 s2 *)
| Kloop2: statement -> statement -> cont -> cont
(* catches break statements arising out of switch *)
| Kswitch: cont -> cont
| Kcall: option ident -> (* where to store result *)
function -> (* calling function *)
env -> (* local env of calling function *)
temp_env -> (* temporary env of calling function *)
cont -> cont.
Note that Kcall
continuation constructor contains the definition and environments of calling function to be restored.
Statements may modify memory state
Inductive state: Type :=
| State
(f: function)
(s: statement)
(k: cont)
(e: env)
(le: temp_env)
(m: mem) : state
| Callstate
(fd: fundef)
(args: list val)
(k: cont)
(m: mem) : state
| Returnstate
(res: val)
(k: cont)
(m: mem) : state.
Sequence statement evaluation judgement
Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
| step_assign: forall f a1 a2 k e le m loc ofs v2 v m',
eval_lvalue e le m a1 loc ofs ->
eval_expr e le m a2 v2 ->
sem_cast v2 (typeof a2) (typeof a1) = Some v ->
assign_loc ge (typeof a1) m loc ofs v m' ->
step (State f (Sassign a1 a2) k e le m)
E0 (State f Sskip k e le m')
Loop statement evaluation judgements
| step_loop: forall f s1 s2 k e le m,
step (State f (Sloop s1 s2) k e le m)
E0 (State f s1 (Kloop1 s1 s2 k) e le m)
| step_skip_or_continue_loop1: forall f s1 s2 k e le m x,
x = Sskip \/ x = Scontinue ->
step (State f x (Kloop1 s1 s2 k) e le m)
E0 (State f s2 (Kloop2 s1 s2 k) e le m)
| step_break_loop1: forall f s1 s2 k e le m,
step (State f Sbreak (Kloop1 s1 s2 k) e le m)
E0 (State f Sskip k e le m)
| step_skip_loop2: forall f s1 s2 k e le m,
step (State f Sskip (Kloop2 s1 s2 k) e le m)
E0 (State f (Sloop s1 s2) k e le m)
| step_break_loop2: forall f s1 s2 k e le m,
step (State f Sbreak (Kloop2 s1 s2 k) e le m)
E0 (State f Sskip k e le m)
Homework Assignments
Task 10.1. ** Manually translate non-trivial function body (10-20 lines of code) to Clight statement.
You can check syntax of your definition in Coq:
- Clone CompCert repository:
- Install CompCert prerequisites (Coq 8.8+, OCaml 4.05+, Menhir 20190626)
- Configure and compile CompCert:
./configure x86_64-linux && make
- Open CoqIDE with Clight module:
./coq cfrontend/Clight.v
- Append your code to the end of the file in separate definition:
Definition endless_loop : statement :=
Sloop Sskip Sskip.
- Press Ctrl+End to check your code (or from menu: Navigation → End).