Software and Programming Language Theory

Static and dynamic semantics



Programming language specification

Programming language semantics

Static semantics
static properties of programs, which can be determined without executing them
variable bindings (what does variable name correspond to)
static type checking (do the expressions satisfy constraints of typing system)
“context-sensitive” restriction on valid programs
Dynamic semantics
how do we compute the value of expressions, statements, etc.
“recursively enumerable” restriction on valid programs


In programming languages we usually name entities

  • variables
  • function arguments
  • classes
  • modules


Binding is the process of assigning the meaning to a name.
public class SimpleDemoClass  
     public void GetData<T>(T obj)  
        Console.WriteLine("INSIDE GetData<T>,"+ obj.GetType().Name);  
     public void GetData(int x)  
        Console.WriteLine("INSIDE GetData" + x.GetType().Name);  
     public void GetxNextData<T>(T obj)  
class Program  
      Static void Main(string[] args)  
           SimpleDemoClass sobj = new SimpleDemoClass();  
           sobj.GetData("data is for testing by-Devesh");  


Scope of a binding is a textual region in program in which a binding is active. We may also use term scope to designate the region of a program of maximal size in which no bindings are destroyed (masked).

char *a = "QWE123\0";
char* fun() {
  double a = 0;
  return a;

Lexical scope (implemented in most of statically-typed programming languages, e.g. C/C++) binds identifiers inside some specific parts of program source code (lexical context).


A closure is a persistent scope which holds on to local variables even after the code execution has moved out of that block [1].

function external() {
  var a = 0;
  function f() {
    a += 1;
    return a;
  function g() {
    a -= 1;
    return a;
  return [f, g];
typedef char (*fooType)();
fooType fun() {
  char a = 0;
  char f2() {
    a += 1;
    return a;
  return f2;

int main(void) {
  printf("Result: %d", fun()());
  return 0;

Static semantics: which variables to persist and share between closures?

Dynamic scope

Some languages (like ECMAScript/JavaScript or some kinds of LISP) have a concept of the dynamic scoping. Binding of identifiers occurs at run-time.

var a = 0;
function f() {
  var b = a;
  with ({a: 1}) {
    b += a;
  return b; // b = 1

this in an object-oriented language may be seen as either an implicit argument to a function or as a way of introducing a dynamic scope.

function g() {
  return this.x;
var A = { x: 0, g }
var B = { x: 1, g }
A.g() // returns 0
B.g() // returns 1
g() // returns 2

Name overloading

template<typename T>
T mul(int i, int j)
   // If you get a compile error, it's because you did not use
   // one of the authorized template specializations
   const int k = 25 ; k = 36 ;
int mul<int>(int i, int j)
   return i * j ;

std::string mul<std::string>(int i, int j)
   return std::string(j, static_cast<char>(i)) ;

If the language supports name overloading, the same identifier in the same place may have a different meaning depending on some external information (like typing). Usually in imperative languages name overloading is restricted to functions names.

int mul(int i, int j) { return i*j; }
std::string mul(char c, int n) { return std::string(n, c); }

int n = mul(6, 3); // n = 18
std::string s = mul(static_cast<char>(6), 2); // s = "110"
int n = mul<int>(6, 3); // n = 18
std::string s = mul<std::string>(54, 2); // s = "110110"
short n2 = mul<short>(6, 3); // error: assignment of read-only variable ‘k’

Languages supporting function overloading: C++, C#

Languages without support for function overloading: Haskell, ECMAScript, C (but C11 has the _Generic keyword:

Lexical scope declarative region

Where does the declaration effect start/stop?

def f(x):
    x = 0
    for x in [1,2,3]:
        print x
    return x # return 3
function f(x) {
    // let x = 0;  // "Syntax error", 
                   // the same region 
                   // as function arguments
    x = 0;
    for (let x of [1,2,3]) {
    return x; // return 0

Use before definition

int f() {
    // warning: implicit declaration ...
    return g();

int g() {
    return 0;
fn f() -> u32 {
    return g()

fn g() -> u32 {
    return 0;

Static semantics representation

Returning to the topic of formal mechanized analysis of programs.

Syntax is a transformation from String to AST.

Static semantics, in the same way, is a transformation from AST to AST with variable bindings information. How would we store this information?

Easier approach: generate unique names and store scope as a separate value.

AST+Bindings = Σ (ast : AST /[Id := ℕ]) . (scope : Map<ℕ, AST> ) . (p : ∀ { id : ℕ } ∈ ast, id ∈ scope).

Example at: Vasenin V. A., Krivchikov M. A. Ecma-335 static formal semantics // Programming and Computer Software. — 2012. — Vol. 38, no. 4. — P. 183–188.

α-equivalence and de Bruijn indices

(see the previous semester: )

Higher order abstract syntax

— the technique to capture the variable binding in abstract syntax tree (Miller, 1987; Phenning, 1988).

Abstract syntax:

type var = string
type typ =
  | Bool
  | Arrow of typ * typ
type exp =
  | Var of var
  | True
  | False
  | App of exp * exp
  | Abs of var * exp
Higher-order syntax captures the name binding:
type exp =
  | True
  | False
  | App of exp * exp
  | Abs of exp -> exp

Parametrized Higher-order syntax captures the types of variables:

type ('t, 'V) exp =
    | Var : 't 'V -> ('t, 'V) exp
    | True : (bool, 'V) exp
    | False : (bool, 'V) exp
    | App : ('d -> 'r, 'V) exp * ('d, 'V) exp -> ('r, 'V) exp
    | Abs : ('d 'V -> ('r, 'V) exp) -> ('d -> 'r, 'V) exp


Conor McBride. «Ornamental Algebras, Algebraic Ornaments»

One base data type defines the induction structure, basic constructors:

data Nat where
  0 : Nat
  succ : Nat  Nat

Then we place an additional data (ornament) to the leaves of the induction structure:

data List [A : Set] from Nat where
   List_A ← nil
    | cons [a : A] (as : List_A)

data Vec [A : Set] from Nat where
  Vec_A n ← nil [q : n ≡ 0]
     | cons [n' : Nat][ q : n = succ n' ] (a : A) (vs : Vec_A n)


class A { B b; }
class B { A a; }

Suppose we started translating AST to static semantics. Before we process second line and see that B is a class, what is the static semantics of B at the first line?

Approach: fixed point (works for classical Domain Theory, doesn’t work well in a constructive setting).

N.S. Papaspyrou. Formal semantics of the C Programming Language (PhD thesis).

Static semantics

The static semantics is the description of the structural constraints (context-sensitive aspects) that cannot be adequately described by context-free grammars.

Source: Anthony Aaby. Introduction to Programming Languages. 1996. Online publication.

In addition to variable binding, static semantics includes the specification of possible values and valid literals, and also the type system (for strongly-typed programming languages).

Static semantcs for ECMAScript

Examples of static semantics for dynamically-typed language in specification of ECMAScript (JavaScript):

ECMA-262. ECMAScript Language Specifcation.

Static formal semantics for ANSI C

Example of mathematically specified formal semantics for C programming language:

N.S. Papaspyrou. A Formal Semantics for the C Programming Language. PhD Thesis. 1998

Part II. Static Semantics.

Type conversions

Type conversion — mapping from the values of one type to the corresponding values of a different type. For example, integers to floating point numbers: 1 → 1.0 or strings to codepoints to integers.

  • cast — explicit type conversion
x = static_cast<int>('1');
x := Float(1);
  • coercion — implicit type conversion, performed automatically.
double hilbert = 1 / (i + j + 1);
int pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406;

Type conversions

  • some languages (Ada, Go) do not support any form of the coercion, some (Pascal) support only “lossless” coercions, others (C++, C#) even allow user-defined coercions.
-- Pascal:
var n: Integer;   x: Real;
x := n;
n := x; -- error
n := round(x);
-- Ada:
n: Integer; x: Float;
x := n; -- error
n := x; -- error
x := Float(n);
n := Integer(x); -- rounding

double allow exact representation for 53-bit integers.

Implicit coercions

public class Author
    public string First;
    public string Last;
    public string[] BooksArray;

public class Writer
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public List<string> Books { get; set; }
public static implicit operator Writer(Author a)
    return new Writer
        FirstName = a.First,
        LastName = a.Last,
        Books = a.BooksArray != null ? a.BooksArray.ToList() : null

Author a = new Author
    First = "Vijaya",
    Last = "Anand",
    BooksArray = new string[] { "book1" }
Writer w = a; //implicitly casting from Author to Writer.

Homework assignments (1/2)

Task 5.1. ** Implement a translator from simply-typed lambda calculus AST to HOAS in Haskell or any other language of your choice (except OCaml) which is expressive enough to represent HOAS.

Task 5.2. *** Implement a translator from simply-typed lambda calculus AST to PHOAS in Agda or any other language of your choice which is expressive enough to represent PHOAS.

Task 5.3. * Look at the assembly code generated by GCC on example code from “Closure” slide and explain how “closures” are implemented in this case.

Task 5.4. Describe static semantics of BNF in terms of Parametrized Higher Order Syntax.

  1. “on paper” (**)
  2. in Coq, following the original paper (4*)

Homework assignments (2/2)

Task 5.5. *** Write a formal specification (in Haskell, Standard ML, Coq or Agda) for ISO C99 Arithmetic operands conversion (section 6.3.1 Arithmetic operands).

Formal specification must be presented as a function with input as an AST with operands annotated with the typing information and with output as an AST with operands replaced by the typing information and transformations specified in draft or with special value “Undefined behavior”. Example:

Inputs in C syntax:

int pi = 3.14;
int i = 1e30f;

Inputs as a possible AST:

Assign (Variable "pi" Integer32) (Literal (Float32 3.14))

Assign (Variable "i" Integer32)  (Literal (Float32 1e30))

Outputs as a possible AST:

Assign (Variable "pi" Integer32) (IntegerPart (Literal (Float32 3.14)))
