Software and Programming Language Theory
Notation and proof assistants
Formal syntax analysis
Macros as a part of syntax
Programming language specification
BNF formally
BNF has a graph structure (actually, a directed hypergraph with per-edge ordered destination nodes). Parse tree is a tree derived from the graph (if syntax analysis walks through a cycle, first repeating vertex is duplicated).
Programs are complex. Theoretically, you can make a mathematical description of a programming language on paper with some assumptions. But usually proving properties on paper is infeasible. Therefore we have to use some (mathematically sound) mechanization tools to make a precise reasoning about the program. Scientific publications which we will discuss today use Coq or Agda proof-assistants for mechanization.
class HashEntry
int key;
int value;
HashEntry(int key, int value)
this->key = key;
this->value = value;
int getKey() { return key; }
int getValue() { return value; }
const int TABLE_SIZE = 128;
class HashMap
HashEntry **table;
table = new HashEntry*[TABLE_SIZE];
for (int i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++)
table[i] = NULL;
int get(int key)
int hash = (key % TABLE_SIZE);
while (table[hash] != NULL && table[hash]->getKey() != key)
hash = (hash + 1) % TABLE_SIZE;
if (table[hash] == NULL)
return -1;
return table[hash]->getValue();
void put(int key, int value)
int hash = (key % TABLE_SIZE);
while (table[hash] != NULL && table[hash]->getKey() != key)
hash = (hash + 1) % TABLE_SIZE;
if (table[hash] != NULL)
delete table[hash];
table[hash] = new HashEntry(key, value);
for (int i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++)
if (table[i] != NULL)
delete table[i];
delete[] table;
2009 nodes in an abstract syntax tree.
- A → B
- function from type A to type B
- (a : A) → B(a)
- dependent function (dependent product) mapping an element a of type A to representative B(a) of family:
B : A → Type - A + B
- sum type (either an element of A or element of B) inl : A → A + B inr : B → A + B
- A × B
- product type (ordered pair of elements from A and B) (a, b) : A × B
- (a : A) × B(a)
- dependent sum, an ordered pair of element a from A and element from representative B(a) of family B : A → Type
Inductive types
term ::= factor | term '+' factor
factor ::= atom | factor '*' atom
atom ::= number | '(' term ')'
Abstract syntax tree for the grammar is defined by three mutually inductive types:
Term = TFactor (f : Factor) | TSum (t : Term) (f : Factor)
Factor = FAtom (a : Atom) | FProduct (f : Factor) (a : Atom)
Atom = ANumber (n : Number) | AGroup (t : Term)
Pattern matching
An interpreter for an abstract syntax tree from previous slide is defined with pattern matching (case analysis) over the inductive type constructors:
interpretTerm : Term → Number
interpretTerm (TFactor f) = interpretFactor f
interpretTerm (TSum t f) = (interpretTerm t) + (interpretFactor f)
interpretFactor : Factor → Number
interpretFactor (FAtom a) = interpretAtom a
interpretFactor (FProduct f a) = (interpretFactor f) * (interpretAtom a)
interpretAtom : Atom → Number
interpretAtom (ANumber n) = n
interpretAtom (AGroup t) = interpretTerm t
Proof assistants: Coq and Agda
Coq and Agda are the proof assistants based on dependently-typed lambda calculus (remember the previous semester).
ML-like syntax.
Quickstart (in Russian):
Another short texbook (in Russian):
Haskell-like syntax.
Introduction paper:
Example (in Russian):
Coq and Agda
In Coq and Agda all definable functions are (under the normal circumstances) total, which means:
- The function must accept any input of the specified type, errors like Haskell’s “non-exhaustive patterns” are not possible:
helper :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [Integer] -> [(Integer,Integer)] -> [Integer]
helper n [] (v) _ = []
helper n (x:y:xs) (v) (c:cs) =
if (chinese3 (b:c:cs) == n)
then (x:v)
else helper n (xs) (x:v) ((n `mod` y,y):c:cs)
where b =(n `mod` x,x)
-- helper 10 primes [] [] ⟶ error: Non-exhaustive patterns in function helper.
- The function must terminate for any input. Infinite recursion is not allowed:
Agda examples
Inductive datatype is defined by a set of constructors. Note that indentation is significant (like in Python and Haskell)
Function on inductive types are defined by the means of pattern matching.
Agda examples
Dependent product indexed type familiy. Note that the implicit argument n to cons
is enclosed in braces.
Coq examples
Inductive data types. Indentation is not significant in Coq. Statements are terminated by dot .
Inductive nat : Type :=
| O : nat
| S : nat → nat.
There are some different keywords for definitions (Definition
, Inductive
, Fixpoint
, Program Definition
). Functions are defined like in lambda-calculus, pattern matching is possible with match
Fixpoint plus (a b : nat) : nat :=
match a with
| O ⇒ b
| S a' ⇒ S (plus a' b)
Coq examples
Dependent type family. As in Agda, implicit arguments are written inside braces, explicit dependent arguments are written insied the round brackets.
Inductive Vector (A : Set) : nat → Set :=
| Nil : Vector A O
| Cons : forall {n : Nat}, A → Vector A n → Vector a (S n).
Definition head' A n (vec : Vector A n) :=
match vec in (Vector A n) return
(match n with O ⇒ unit | S _ ⇒ A end) with
| Nil ⇒ tt
| Cons h _ ⇒ h
Definition head A n (vec : Vector A (S n)) : A := head' vec.
Coq and Agda example side by side
Inductive Nat :=
| zero : Nat
| succ : Nat -> Nat.
Inductive Even: Nat -> Prop :=
| even_base : Even zero
| even_step : forall n, Even n -> Even (succ (succ n)).
Fixpoint add (n:Nat) (m:Nat) :=
match n with
| zero => m
| succ n' => succ (add n' m)
Lemma add_succ:
forall n m, add (succ n) m = succ (add n m).
Lemma even_sum :
forall n m, Even n -> Even m -> Even (add n m).
intros n m even_n even_m.
induction even_n.
(* case even_base *)
- simpl.
(* case even_step *)
- repeat (rewrite add_succ).
apply even_step.
data Nat : Set where
zero : Nat
succ : Nat -> Nat
data Even : Nat -> Set where
even_base : Even zero
even_step : forall {n} -> Even n -> Even (succ (succ n))
_+_ : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
zero + n = n
(succ n) + m = succ (n + m)
even_sum : forall {n m} -> Even n -> Even m -> Even (n + m)
even_sum even_base x = x
even_sum (even_step x) y = even_step (even_sum x y)
Formal syntax analysis
Parser is a function which implements syntax analysis.
Suppose we have defined a syntax as a grammar G + an abstract syntax tree and implemented a parser P. More realistic example: you write a code generator, so you have to make sure (to prove) that it will always generate code without compiling.
P : String → AST + SyntaxError
How can we make sure that our parser will:
- accept all strings from G-defined language,
- reject any string outside of G-defined language,
- terminate for every finite input?
Why won’t we just write a parser in a proof assistant?
From the previous lecture: left recursion.
term ::= factor | term '+' factor
factor ::= atom | factor '*' atom
atom ::= number | '(' term ')'
x+1 ⟶ ⟂
(try to parse a term
, x
is not a factor
so it must be a term
and now we have a cycle)
Danielsson. Total Parser Combinators (2010)
Main idea is: use the lazy computation. Total, dependently-typed programming languages may represent infinite lazy computations as a corecursive type. After the parsing process is represented as tree with some infinite-depth paths, make a breadth-first search of successful parse result.
data List (A : Set) : Set where
[] : List A
_::_ : A → List A → List A
data Colist (A : Set) : Set where
[] : Colist A
_::_ : A → ∞ (Colist A) → Colist A
♯ : {A : Set} → A → ∞ A
♭ : {A : Set} → ∞ A→ A
Danielsson N.A. Total parser combinators // Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming - ICFP ’10. ACM Press, 2010. P. 285–285. Source and paper is available at:
Danielsson. Total Parser Combinators (2010)
-- The index is true if the corresponding language contains the
-- empty string (is nullable).
data P : Bool → Set where
fail : P false
empty : P true
tok : Tok → P false
_∣_ : ∀ {n₁ n₂} → P n₁ → P n₂ → P (n₁ ∨ n₂)
_·_ : ∀ {n₁ n₂} → P n₁ → ∞⟨ not n₁ ⟩P n₂ → P (n₁ ∧ n₂)
-- Coinductive if the index is true.
∞⟨_⟩P : Bool → Bool → Set
∞⟨ true ⟩P n = ∞ (P n)
∞⟨ false ⟩P n = P n
Danielsson. Total Parser Combinators (2010)
Example from:
And what about proofs?
-- f <$> fail → fail
-- f <$> return x → return (f x)
-- fail ∣ p → p
-- p ∣ fail → p
-- token >>= p₁ ∣ token >>= p₂ → token >>= (λ t → p₁ t ∣ p₂ t) (*)
-- ...
simplify₁ : ∀ {Tok R xs} (p : Parser Tok R xs) →
∃₂ λ xs (p′ : Parser Tok R xs) → p ≅P p′
-- A proof showing that all functions of type List Bool → List R can
-- be realised using parser combinators (for any R, assuming that bag
-- equality is used for the lists of results).
parser⇒fun : ∀ {R xs} (p : Parser Bool R xs) {x s} →
x ∈ p · s ⇿ x ∈ parse p s
maximally-expressive :
∀ {R} (f : List Bool → List R) {s} →
parse (grammar f) s ≈[ bag ] f s
Koprowski, Binsztok. TRX: A Formally Verified Parser Interpreter
Main idea: like in original PEG parsers, disallow direct and indirect left-recursive grammars. Patented algorithm.
Definition wf_analyse (exp : pexp) (wf : PES.t) : bool :=
match exp with
| empty ⇒ true
| range ⇒ true
| terminal a ⇒ true
| anyChar ⇒ true
| nonTerminal p ⇒ is_wf (production p) wf
| seq e1 e2 ⇒ is_wf e1 wf ∧ (if e1 − [gp] → 0 then is_wf e2 wf else true) | choice e1 e2 ⇒ is_wf e1 wf ∧ is_wf e2 wf
| star e ⇒ is_wf e wf ∧ (negb (e − [gp] → 0))
|note ⇒is_wf e wf
| id e ⇒ is_wf e wf
Program Fixpoint parse (T : Type) (e : PExp T | is grammar exp e) (s : string)
{measure (e , s ) ≻ } : {r : ParsingResult T | ∃ n , [ e , s ] ⇒ [ n , r ] }
Koprowski A., Binsztok H. TRX: A Formally Verified Parser Interpreter // Logical Methods in Computer Science / ed. Gordon A. 2011. Vol. 7, № 2. (arXiv) (presentation PDF)
Medeiros S., Ierusalimschy R. A parsing machine for PEGs // Proceedings of the 2008 symposium on Dynamic languages - DLS ’08. 2008. P. 1–12. (ACM) (Citeseer PDF)
See also
- Uustalu, Tarmo, Firsov, Denis. Certified Parsing of Regular Languages // Certified Programs and Proofs. Springer International Publishing, 2013. P. 98–113.
- Jourdan J.-H., Leroy X., Pottier F. Validating LR(1) Parsers // Proceedings of the 21st European Symposium on Programming. 2012. Vol. 7211. P. 397–416.
- Bernardy, Jean-Philippe, Jansson, Patrik. Certified Context-Free Parsing: a Formalisation of Valiant’s Algorithm in Agda: Preprint. Chalmers University of Technology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 2016. 27 p.
- Sjöblom, Thomas Bååth. An Agda proof of the correctness of Valiant’s algorithm for context free parsing: MSc. Göteborg University: Chalmers University of Technilogy, University of Gothenburg, 2013. 63 p.
Macros and staged computations
Macro (macroinstruction) — is a rule of generation a set of instructions in compile-time.
Different kinds of macros may be related to both syntax and static semantics of programming language.
Macroassemblers revisited
Macros are substituted before the assembly time.ForLp macro LCV, Start, Stop
ifndef $$For&LCV&
$$For&LCV& = 0
$$For&LCV& = $$For&LCV& + 1
mov ax, Start
mov LCV, ax
MakeLbl $$For&LCV&, %$$For&LCV&
mov ax, LCV
cmp ax, Stop
jgDone $$Next&LCV&, %$$For&LCV&
Next macro LCV
inc LCV
jmpLoop $$For&LCV&, %$$For&LCV&
MakeLbl $$Next&LCV&, %$$For&LCV&
ForLp I, 0, 15
ForLp J, 0, 6
ldax A, I, J ;Fetch A[I][J]
mov bx, 15 ;Compute 16-I.
sub bx, I
ldax b, bx, J, imul ;Multiply in B[15-I][J].
stax x, J, I ;Store to X[J][I]
Next J
Next I
Preprocessor is a program which operates on input data for some other program. Preprocessors may be used to provide primitive macro facilities.
Preprocessor : String → String
C preprocessor
#include <math.h>
#ifndef _WINDOW_H
#define _WINDOW_H
#define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#if VERBOSE >= 2
print("trace message");
#if !(defined __LP64__ || defined __LLP64__) || defined _WIN32 && !defined _WIN64
#error 32-bit systems not supported
// we are compiling for a 64-bit system
C preprocessor
#define xstr(s) str(s)
#define str(s) #s
#define foo 4
str (foo) // outputs "foo"
xstr (foo) // outputs "4"
#define DECLARE_STRUCT_TYPE(name) typedef struct name##_s name##_t
// Outputs: typedef struct g_object_s g_object_t;
(It is even possible to write limited recursive programs in C preprocessor by itself:
M4 / T4
Some external preprocessors feature complex programming languages for template transformations:
public class Decorator: <#= interface.FullName #>
{ // …
foreach(Member member in interfaceType.Members)
Notes on the M4 Macro Language:
T4 Text Templates:
CamlP5 (formerly: CamlP4, powerful OCaml preprocessor)
LISP Reader Macros
In LISP there are different kinds of macros: ordinary macros which transfrom abstract syntax tree and reader macros which transform a string to an abstract syntax tree.
ReaderMacro : String × (genericReader : String → AST) → AST
In LISP reader macros are implemented by means of modifying read table: a mapping from characters to further actions.
ReadTable : Char → (String → AST)
Reader : (readtable : ReadTable) → (nexttable : Char → ReadTable) → String → AST
See an example at:
TeX is actually built around reader macros:
0 = Escape character, normally \
1 = Begin grouping, normally {
2 = End grouping, normally }
3 = Math shift, normally $
4 = Alignment tab, normally &
5 = End of line, normally <return>
6 = Parameter, normally #
7 = Superscript, normally ^
8 = Subscript, normally _
9 = Ignored character, normally <null>
10 = Space, normally <space> and <tab>
11 = Letter, normally only contains the letters a,...,z and A,...,Z. These characters can be used in command names
12 = Other, normally everything else not listed in the other categories
13 = Active character, for example ~
14 = Comment character, normally %
15 = Invalid character, normally <delete>
LISP Macros
Macro : AST → AST
Macros transform program AST at some stage before the evaluation.
Example: short-circuit evaluation
&& B() // only run if A returned non-zero
&& C(); // only run if both A and B returned non-zero
and(A(), B(), C()) // will evaluate A(), B() and C() before going inside and
LISP Macros
Complex example: SQL-like queries in LISP:
LISP Macros
The evaluation of macro invocation is split in two stages: expansion-time (first stage, in compiler) and run-time (second stage, in program).
Macro code starts running in expansion-time. The run-time is separated from expansion-time with quotation operators: - '
— quote - `
— quasiquote, allowing for unquoting with operator ,
Examples: - (f a b c)
– call function f
with arguments a
, b
, c
and replace macro invocation node in AST with the result - '(f a b c)
– return list (AST) with symbols f
, a
, b
, c
as its elements - `(f a b ,(+ 1 2))
– evaluate (+ 1 2)
at expansion time and return list (f a b 3)
What the code from the previous example does?
Syntactic macros in Rust
Forth macros and multi-stage computing
Macros, preprocessors etc. represent a separate stage of computation:
- macros run at compile-time modifying the code of program
- program runs at run-time
In Forth these stages are interleaved.
Functions in Forth are called “words”. Compiler reads input word-by-word (space-separated). Every word is either macro-word or normal word or a number. When compiler encounters normal word, it emits run-time call to the corresponding code. When compiler encounters macro-word it calls the code immediately at compile-time.
You can use normal words inside definitions of macro-words.
is a macro which pushes current offset to a compiler stack and writes a no-op placeholder jump here
(in Forth it is confusinglytcalled THEN
) removes an offset from the stack and writes jump to current offset
instead of jump here
Rust procedural macros
Homework assignments
Task 4.1 (10*) Implement Danielsson’s Total Parser Combinators in Coq.
Task 4.3a* Write (manually) an extensible parser for LISP-like symbolic expressions (subset of “R7RS small” Scheme specification). Definitions for whitespace, identifier and number are omitted as a trivial exercise.
<datum> ::= <atom> <optional whitespace> | <list> <optional whitespace>
<atom> ::= <identifier> | <number> | <string>
<string> ::= '"' <string element>* '"'
<string element> ::= <any character except " and \> | '\"' | '\\' | '\n' | '\t'
<list> ::= "(" <datum> ")"
Task 4.3b(**+**) Implement parser for s-expressions in Agda using Danielsson’s total parser combinators or in Coq using PEG implementation.
What’s the difference?
- task 3.3: implement simple parser and prove correctness/termination
- task 4.3a: implement extensible parser without proofs
- task 4.3b: implement simple parser using Coq/Agda
Homework assignments
Task 4.4*** Extend parser from Task 4.3a with reader macros for a subset of a context-free grammar as an interpreter from s-expressions to parser extension. It’ll be easier to implement in some lanugage featuring eval
command (like JavaScript, Python or LISP family)
(reader-macro <start-string> <stop-string> <grammar>)
; Example:
(reader-macro "#" "#" (float decimal-digits
(optional "." (optional decimal-digits))
(optional "e" (either "+" "-" "") decimal-digits)))
#1.5e11# ⟶ (float "1" ("." ("5")) ("e" ("") "11"))
Task 4.5* Write a reader macro for infix arithmetical expressions (addition, multiplication, brackets).
Task 4.6** Write Forth macro for infix arithmetical expressions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, brackets)